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Client acknowledges, understands and agrees to the following “Important Notice to Clients”. I understand and accept the risks and obligations involved in trading in the relevant products after clicking the“Agree & Login”button.
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Terms & Conditions and Disclaimer
1. The client has carefully read and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions as stated in the official website of Bright Smart Group (, including but not limited to “Terms and Conditions of Pre-IPO Electronic Trading System”, “Terms and Conditions for Trading Account” and “Important Notes for Online Trading”.
2. The client acknowledges and agrees that the terms and conditions in relation to the Investor Identification Regime and the OTC Securities Transaction Reporting Regime set out in the “Terms and Conditions for Trading Account" that Bright Smart Group may collect, store, process, use, disclose and transfer personal data relating to the Client (including the Client’s CID and BCAN(s)) to SEHK, SFC and Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited. .  
3. Bright Smart Group shall have absolute rights to amend and rectify the terms and conditions provided in “Terms and Conditions of Pre-IPO Electronic trading System","Terms and Conditions for Trading Account" and "Important Notes for Online Trading” The client should visit the official website of Bright Smart Group from time to time to obtain their latest versions.
4. It is recommended that the client shall change the password periodically and promptly log out from the electronic trading facilities once the client has finished using facilities.
5. The client acknowledges and bears the risks associated with the internet and system including the failure of hardware and software and bears any loss due to unpredictable traffic congestion or any other reasons, an inherently unreliable medium of communication.
6. The Client hereby confirm with Bright Smart Group that the Client is a non-professional user (as defined by NASDAQ), the market data the Client received is strictly for personal use and not for commercial purposes.
7. The client acknowledges that the information, contents and services obtained via any electronic trading facility of Bright Smart Group, are provided by, including but not limited to the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited, related exchanges and third-party information providers, and only for reference purpose. Bright Smart Group takes no responsibility in any expenses, costs, losses, damages, loss of profit or compensations arising out of or in connection with its accuracy, completeness, incorrect record, omission, transmission, communication, mixing or divulging of messages, destruction of messages, the incompleteness, inaccuracy, error, omission, misrepresentation, delay or failure in transmission, communication or storage of data or information, or the divulging or destruction of any message, data or information systems.
8. The client acknowledges that all software or technology of Bright Smart Group’s electronic trading facilities are the exclusive property of and proprietary to Bright Smart Group. The client shall not and shall not attempt to tamper with, modify, decompile, reproduce or otherwise alter any parts of them in any way.
9. The client should read carefully the “Important Notes for Online Trading”. The client acknowledges and agrees to bear the risks in full and shall be solely responsible for any loss, damages, expenses, compensations, interests and all costs incurred or related legal liabilities whatsoever arising out of any instructions made through electronic trading facilities of Bright Smart Group, and Bright Smart Group has no responsibility therein.
10. Bright Smart Group only accepts “odd lot sell orders” for certain stocks specified in the list on its electronic trading facilities, which Bright Smart Group might purchase those odd lot shares as a principal. If the client intends to sell or buy certain stock that is not in the list, please contact CS department through "Online CS" or call (+852) 3890 1628.
11. The client acknowledges that he or she has read "Terms and Conditions for Trading Account" carefully before trading. Once the client carried out any transaction on any market, the acknowledges and confirms that he or she has read, confirmed, agreed, understood, and accepted the relevant risks and terms and conditions, which have been published on the official website of the Bright Smart Group. Please note that trading hours and rules may vary across different markets, and the client should be solely responsible for ensuring whether the instructions have been accepted. If the client has any question, please visit our branch or call (852) 2343 1428 for inquiries.
12. After the client logins, the client acknowledges that he or she understood and agreed to the terms and conditions hereinabove.